Personal Training
Entirely customized to your specific goals, limitations and aspirations. Whether you have an injury or health issue, your program can be personalized to your wants and needs. If you are looking to lose body fat, gain muscle or PR in your next event, Personal Training is for you! Everyone can benefit from 1:1 Personal Training!
group training
No matter what your goals may be, Group Training Classes are designed to help you achieve them through professional guidance, support and encouragement. Even though these classes are in a group setting, they are individualized to your specific needs by offering progressions and regressions of specific exercises. You are guaranteed to have fun working out in this setting while being pushed at the same time by those around you!
classes & description

Build & Burn
The primary focus of this class is strength training utilizing functional movement patterns. You will squat, push, pull, hinge in a variety of different ways all while focusing on your form. Conditioning exercises will be implemented towards the end of the workout to fulfill the “burn” aspect of the workout!

Total Body
Who doesn’t like extra credit? If you missed a workout during the week or are looking for a great way to start your weekend, come join us Saturday morning! Good vibes and high fives all around!

These classes focuses on metabolic conditioning & interval training while including the dynamics of strength training exercises. Depending on the goal of the workout (endurance vs power/speed) you will be allowed sufficient breaks in between sets to give your heart rate enough time to recover before spiking it up again during the next interval!

Studio Cycle
Take your ride inside!! This 45 minute indoor cycling class will increase your power, speed and endurance as you are motivated and pushed by others around you!
Hybrid Yoga
Open to all levels. During this hybrid class, you will experience a wide variety of yoga formats including yoga pump (added weights), Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin. This is the perfect mix of strength and stretch!

If yoga and physical therapy had a baby, it would be called Kinstretch®!
Kinstretch® is dedicated to helping you understand what the raw movement capabilities of your body are from a biomechanical perspective, and this class will teach you how to apply better movement practices to your workout on the training floor. You will learn techniques to increase your mobility, relieve tension and stay pain free!
Expect to spend 20-30 minutes expanding our end range movement using Controlled Articular Rotations (CARS) and positional isometrics (PAILS/RAILS). Then we work 20-30 minutes of strength work specifically designed to strengthen these newly created ranges. Example training areas: deep squat, pressing, pulling.

Nutrition Coaching
We firmly believe in addressing nutrition and metabolism with every member. We will provide nutrition guidance and go beyond the scope nutrition to motivate clients to make positive lifestyle changes. Learning new habits and making healthy nutritional changes will not only fuel your workouts, but also help your body recover and unleash phenomenal results.